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Michelle & Zhixin
the renowed cuckoo busters.
however, it takes one to know one


...the sidekicks!

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The Lovely Miss Piggy

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The courageous Sir Cowie

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The thumb-sucking Green Champion a.k.a N.E Head

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The goonest of the goons


Go Greek!
This is a comtemporary version of ancient Greek Mythology. Entitled 'Mount Olympus', the story includes all-time favourites like Zeus, Hera, Aphrodite, Hercules, Apollo and many more!

Star-crossed lovers
A story written quite some time ago. It is a contemporary version of Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet which continues the tale after the lovers' death

The Glamorous Life
This is a fanfiction with main characters Jesse McCartney and Duncan James that takes place on Beverly Hills with some mention of the famous novels: The A-list.


October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007


Speacial thanks to:

layout design, coding, photo-editing,

by ice angel

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

A different kind of love
By Zhixin

I've finally decided to update this blog more often. I think it'll be rather beneficial for my GP, after all, I frequently almost-flunk functional writing assignments in English and my best and only expository essay is entitled 'Cafeteria', exploring the different wonders (and in some cases, horrors) of the school canteen of Xinmin Secondary School. (And that piece wasn't sensational or anything.)

Oh and anyway, for those who have been living under a rock, (beside a pineapple under the sea), I've added a christian/nick name to my name. Now I'm unofficially known as Lynn, (Pearlyn truncated.) Quite a handful of old friends have been asking me why Lynn and not Pearlyn. Personally, I feel that 'Pearlyn' reminds me of a pear and of 'zhen zhu' which will be equivalent as being called 'Bao Zhu', 'Zhen Zhu' or something awfully horrible and humiliating as that. (Sorry if I offended any aunties with the names Bao Zhu and Zhen Zhu out there.)

In my orientation group, I met some pretty neat friends. (Neat as in cool, not literally tidy.) Some of which I have to mention, cause they're like almost new species of friends contrasting to my old pals. (We have been pretty much like clones, liking the same thing, except for Jay Chou and some mug up alot more than the others.) Oh and Nicolyn (one of my new friends) taught me that it's supposed to be 'mug up' and not 'mug' like it's commonly and rather wrongly used.

First off, there's NICOLYN! Sweetness personified!
She's really the most thoughtful and caring girl I've ever known. (Make that person 'cause I doubt I've ever known any guy who's thoughtful and caring. Scratch that. Thoughtful OR caring.)

We were both suffering from post-orientation-hoarse-voice-syndrome. As I've been squaking like a crow for days already, she kindly offered me her honey beverage even though she desperately needs it alot more than I do 'cause she's in the choir. (I couldn't even make the choir even if my voice is in its normal state.)

And there's also the time when we went for flag day with me nearly dying due to hunger pangs and lack of sleep. I think she's dead beat too 'cause we danced till we dropped during disco night the night before. As I was almost throwing in the towel to fatigue, she kept me going strong, constantly reminding me of the sick and the poor. Awww, how sweet. Well, it worked and I managed to sold flags until the time was up.

Oh, and one of the nicest thing she did was to write a small, lovely note to all the OG members. I mean, honestly, who does that? It's just so nice! Anyway, Nicolyn, I'm keeping it in my wallet in the visible compartment. Gonna show it off to people whenever I have the chance. =)

Secondly, there's Hui Rong who's a snowfaerie that has the appetite of a troll. If I'm not wrong she polished off the whole bowl of noodles from the canteen (and quite a humongous bowl at that) and wanted to steal my tuna sandwich. Oh, and she said that I looked like a kindergarten teacher in my purple jacket. MY FAVOURITE PURPLE JACKET. It was supposed to make me look chio, not like a kindergarten teacher! Grrr... She's also guilty for making me crash China Studies in English and sitting there worrying whether the teacher's gonna call on me and like skin me alive after he knows I'm only sitting in.

And there's also the artistic mexican jumping bean Yuting. She designs the covers for foolscap-pads, that's so cool! If I were to do designing like that, the only person who will buy anything at all is me. I can't even design my OWN popular foolscap pad properly. I only scrawled a big LYNN on it. Sheesh. Oh and she's always smiling and laughing and hopping around giving super dramatic expressions. Just like me. =)

Oh my god, there's still many more. I'll just give a brief one, I'm pretty exhausted though I took a 3 hour nap just now.

Felicia- my dead ringer, or so as said by the other OG members. Eye candy for PYRO and also has pretty good taste. *wink*

CHERYL SENG- (Cheryl, mushroom is 'mo gu' not 'muogu'.) The vibe that she gives off reminds me of Phyllis and she also always gives me the 'face' that Phyllis gives me. Oh, and her shoes look like Shitake mushrooms.

Clara- cute as a button who has an identical twin. They have the same hair, same bag, same shoes and same shorts. I want to have a twin! Who wants to be my twin?

CHERYL DAN- my xinmin senior that I never had the fortune to meet before. She's pretty, funny and fun to be around. And she's pretty suay, keep getting hit on by two jokers.

And to everyone else in my OG, thanks for the great time and company.

There also have been some pretty weird people around but to upkeep my new year resolution to be nice, I shall not mention anything. =) (- giving that surreptious smile)

To conclude this entry, Hoon and I met up with Chelle at Compass today and we saw MEOW! We were so happy we ran towards her (in the library) and gave her a big bear hug. (and squeezed her compressable head.) Missed the good old days.

And I also saw my other darlings from 404'06 yesterday at Xinmin too except for some who didn't turn up. Pretty disappointing. I love you girls: Yuen yuen, HoiTing, Jiaying, Aisha, See Hoon, Lisa, Nicole, Nelson (not literally a girl but still...) oh and peiyen! and many more. I really hope for a gathering soon, can't wait to see the rest!

I miss talking shit to the girls in the morning. I miss Yuen yuen's pre-exam mental illness. I miss Hoiting's pouty diao face. I miss Jiaying's molestation. I miss Aisha's huge innocent eyes. I miss laughing at Hoiting making fun of Nelson, and her screaming at Nelson. I miss Peiyen's nonsense. I miss being pranked by Zul. I miss making fun of Joseph. I miss pinching Yiwei's cheeks. I miss suaning Serene. I miss hugging Moomoo. I miss hugging Mieah mieah. I miss hugging Gek Hui. Oh yeah and hugging Yiwei. I miss calling Zheng Rui 'Jiao Ruan Ruan'. I miss Zhan Yuan's sarcastic comments. I miss Cass and her loud conversations with Yiwei. I miss the fun times I've spent have tete-a-tete with Nicole. I miss Lisa's grandmotherly love. I miss Rachel Zheng and Arvina and our door knob jokes. I miss making fun of Mr Tang's fashion sense. I miss Mrs Lim Hui Hui's motherliness. I miss Mrs Lim SK's jokes and stories. I miss Mr Lim B.P.'s lameness. I miss Nana and his lameness too.


I LOVE THE OLEians and THE dumb ole dollar or something.

Yes, we shall organise an overnight camp in our classroom(s). The fourth floor one and the first floor one and also a girls camp in the fourth floor toilet. Yea right. Like the school's gonna allow.

Michelle & Zhixin

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Queen Katie drummed her fingers against the round table impatiently and glared directly at King Arthur.


Immensely distressed, King Arthur wiped beads of perspiration away from his lined forehead with his polar-bear fur and red satin sleeve. He crossed and uncrossed his fingers nervously and mumbled, barely loud enough for anybody to hear.

"Umm... I offer my sincere apologies and I'll try to get my trusted knights Sirs Lancelot and Galahad to take suitable action."

Queen Katie stood up instantly, her furious emotions rapidly reaching the stage of a thunderstorm. She rammed her jewelled hand against the round table and stared daggers at the already trembling King Arthur, "I want something to be done about it and I want it NOW!"

Lips purple and quivering, King Arthur cowered and tried, "But... but... croissants are already out of fashion, noone will want to buy them."

The influential and notorious queen from Abysissy Kingdom towered over King Arthur of Camelot at a height of 169 cm with an addition of 30cm from the radius of her Afro-inspired permed bob. In total, she held a good 20 cm advantage over him. The Queen then suddenly shrunk back, her features twisted by pure psychological torture. She sobbed dramatically and whined, "Croissants were part of my life! I ate them day and night. They were the shapers of my past, present and future! I will do anything to see people eating them again! I want a revival of croissants!"

The emotionally instable queen den turned her head in a soap-opera fashion and fled the meeting hall in a flurry. She tore through the mansory walls of the renowned castle and refused to stop until she reached the royal garden. The roses, white and red, were in full bloom while the leaves sported fresh dew on them. The Queen took a seat in a stone chair and started reminiscing about her croissant days.

Oh, the glory of it all! Awaken at 12 noon by the chiming of the grandfather clock, Katie, as an adolescent, would sit up to find a tray of breakfast in her king-sized four poster bed with satin sheets and goose-down pillows. She would then sip at her Earl Grey tea in satisfaction and nibble joyfully at her chocolate croissant.

"Tra-la-la... la-la..." a cheery melody broke the silence of the tranquil garden. Queen Katie stopped sobbing almost as immediately as she started and surreptiously trailed after the melody as if deathly afraid that any sudden noises would chase the melody away. Upon reaching the arch of the Garden of Eden, Queen Katie saw... ...

To be continued...

Ok, that was pretty lame. But it's a beautiful combination of history, legend, fiction and umm... nonsense. (At least the croissant part was.) Stay tuned for the second half of THE CROISSANT RENAISSANCE- when I feel like writing it.

Michelle & Zhixin

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Mental Males
Do guys of all ages have something against me?

I solemnly declare that the entire male population's out to make my life miserable. Why? Ok, I'll divide the population into 4 different age groups: toddlers, children, men in their twenties and uncles.

The Attack of the Promoter Part I- Toddler
(Anyway, I've gotten a job as a promoter and hence the title)

A family of 3- Dad, Mom and Baby strolled past my stall and went to chat with their friend who's looking after a shop which sells cars. Then the Dad carried the cutesy baby toddler over which got me thinking if I could make the baby interested in the drink, maybe the Dad will buy. So the Dad asked Baby to talk to me 'cause he reckons I'm bored out of my mind (how right he was). Guess what Baby did? He turned his head to the other side and gave me the cold shoulder. Daddy, being the nice guy he is, thought that maybe the turning of the head was pure coincidence and perhaps something interesting was happening over the other side. So he turned around and made Baby face me again. Guess what Baby did? He snubbed me by turning over, yet again! Even before he learns to talk, he's already an expert at snubbing me. Just great.

The Attack of the Promoter Part II- Child (or an overweight nincompoop)

Bored as I had been, I took out my book and started reading at my booth 'cause the people that were interested in trying were few and far between, let alone the probability of me making any actual sales. While my mind was doing cartwheels in fictionland, I heard the shuffling of feet getting louder and closer. Having decided not to give a damn, I continued to read. Guess what I heard next?

'Auntie, can give me 3 cups?'

GET LOST you silly seal! ('silly seal''s a random comment.)

Being the all-smile and (fakely) sweet promoter, I gave him a withering look and gave him three cups instead of my usual reaction which would be to ask him to drink from the toilet tap. Afterwhich, silly seal came back for another 2 cups. Do I have a choice but to complain?

Attack of the Promoter Part III- Man in his twenties/thirties

Having not made that many sales for the whole day, I repeated 'Excuse me, would you like to try some Spirulina Tea? It's low in sugar, has no presavatives and artificial colouring.' for more than twenty times. So I saw this guy in a white shirt and repeated my line. He gave me a blank look. Then, I realised that he's the guy promoting cars and he had already tasted the drink. And what would YOU do if you were the guy? If it were me, I'd smile politely and say, 'Thanks but I've already tried it. Love it.' (Fine, maybe without the 'love it'.)

And guess what the guy did?

He laughed. At me, not with me.

Sheesh, learned your manners yet?

Attack of the Promoter Part IV- Uncle (In this case uncles)

In two different days, two different uncles did the same thing to me.

Me: Excuse me, would you like to try..... blah-blah-blah

Uncle: -frowns and pick up the bottle- Aiyah! Fake one lah! Spirulina where got so cheap

Me: -smiles bitterly-

Uncle: Aiyah! Sure made in china one lah.

Me: -thinking: Get lost you freak- Umm. Nope, it's a product of Singapore.

Uncle: Bluff! Sure China!

Me: ...

Uncle: -picks up the bottle and mumbles softly- oh. product of singapore -while pointing to the actual print on the plastic casing-

Me: ...

Uncle: ok, give me two bottles.

Guys are normal. Yeah right.

Ok, another additional example.

Attack of the Promoter *special*:Caucasian

Me: Excuse me, would you like to try our tea?

Caucasian: What kind of tea is that?

Me: We have Spirulina Tea, Chrysanthemum tea, Herbal tea and Wheatgrass juice.

Caucasian: But it's cold! I don't want to drink cold tea, I want hot tea! In a cup.

Me: ... Umm... I'm sorry but they're supposed to be chilled.

Caucasian: Ok. I don't want to try, they're for Chinese. If I drank it, my eyes will change colour and my features will change shape.

Me: -playing along- No, that won't happen.

Caucasian: Alright, I'll try.

Me: -hurrah!- So which flavour would you like to try?

Caucasian: I want earl grey tea.

Me: ... I'm very sorry but we don't have that here.

Caucasian: Fine, I'll try this. How come it's in this small cup and not in a big glass?

Me: Um.. we have limited samples.

Caucasian: -points to the bottles for sale- Then what are those?


I just finished watching the drama series of I Not Stupid II. It's the last episode and I'm pretty sad. I find the lame humour in the drama highly hilarious and entertaining. And of course I shall give credit to Shawn Lee and Joshua Ang for their drool-worthy appearances. Actually, Joshua's more drool-worthy but If I were Jing Jing and had to choose one of them, I'd choose Shawn. He's more my type. And the same goes for Nicole and Serene whom I popped the random question in the aftermath of the show.

Oh, this topic brings me back to an episode of my childhood. If I'm not wrong and I doubt I'm likely to be wrong, Jing Jing's horrible aunt did scar me in my early years. Though I'm not sure if it's Jing Jing's aunt or Jing Jing's sidekick's aunt.

Tired from classes and having no choice but to attend tuition, I sat at my usual place, which is the front row, during my Primary 5 tuition. I sat there silently, waiting for my friend to arrive and silently minding my own business until an overbearing and tigress like woman dragged her clingy and koala bearish son into the class and introduced him to the teacher as a new student. Let's name him Peter Tan 'cause I forgot his name. Mrs Tan patted Peter on his head and sat him gently beside me while she took care of the admin work. I protested peacefully by catching the attention of Mrs Tan and telling her that the seat her son was sitting on had already been taken and reserved. Being the innocent and tiny (ok not quite tiny, but close enough) girl that I had been, I never expected a supposedly well-bred woman would give me that kind of reaction.

Mrs Tan stared daggers at me, her nostrils flaring as if she was in desperate need of fresh oxygen. She leaned forward and snapped mercilessly, 'First come first serve! My son has eyesight problems so he's sitting here and that's final!'

I whimpered sofly and said, 'But my friend has been sitting here for the whole of last year!'

Mrs Tan snorted, 'That was last year. And this is this year.'

Shell-shocked, I sat there, blinking furiously. Well, and before I knew it, I burst into tears. Yeah, embarrassing.

My tuition teacher had to spend the whole of the lesson pacifying and calming me. I was in that bad a state. Anyway, even the teacher agreed Mrs Tan was at fault.

Two years later, or so, Mrs Tan got to know my mom and chatted to her on a day when I was sitting beside my mom. She completely ignored me. Speculation still exists between my mom and me whether she recognized me.

So on a fine day, my mom received an sms from the allegedly protective mother a.k.a Mrs Tan. She read the message out loud.

Hi! My NIECE is acting in the MOVIE I not Stupid II. Please support! Thanks.

I stiffled a laugh, wondering what kind of niece can she have, considering her own calibre. My mom then replied to her message, asking which character her niece was acting as.

And she replied, 'Naughty girl.'

Yeah, fantastic reply. Well, that made me speculate that her niece was Jing Jing. And also the fact that her sis married an ang moh. However, there's every possibility that the niece might have been Jing Jing's sidekick. The one with the short hair, in the movie.

Upon watching the movie, I'd say I had been quite prejudiced against Jing Jing, all thanks to the auntie. Although now having watched the whole series, I'd say that Jing Jing really is cute, really.

Michelle & Zhixin

Monday, December 04, 2006

Audrey Hepburn
Elegance, poise and beauty


I love you so much, Audrey! (But I doubt she'll ever known cause she's dead for like um... 13 years? Sigh, a tragic loss to mankind.)

Seriously, she's the most beautiful woman the world has ever seen. She makes me wanna turn les- if I'm not already.

Seen anyone sexier?

Seen anyone as elegant?

Seen anyone as... um... I dunno... sweet?

(She looks abit like Keira Knightley here)

Anyone as adorable?

I doubt so. She's totally, totally, out of this world! Literally and figuratively. (Literally is because she's um... dead.)

For those who's starting to love her as I am or are just simply bored, here's a link to a video of Audrey singing moon river.


For those who are truly, truly bored, I'll recommend a few clips of her movie The Children's Hour. On youtube, search for 'The Children's Hour' and view the respective clips of the 3-part extract which I think is pretty thrilling. There's some homosexuality content inside. (No, it's perfectly PG)

Michelle and Zhixin and co. went to celebrate Mieah's birthday today. She must be really thrilled cause she can officially watch NC-16 movies. I wasn't, I've never stepped into a theatre showing an NC movie before. Never did, never will. I think. Anyway, happy birthday boing mieah! Have many sweet returns of this day (I think I said that in the card but it's never bad to be cliche about these things.)

I think I shall stop trying to sing 'A La Nanita Nana'. The more I attempt to, the worse I sound. I'm like distorting the true beauty of the song. I am so tone deaf. Shall do something about it ASAP. It's sad to listen to angelic voices and you yourself croak like a tone-deaf frog. No, I'm not monotonous but I just can't seem to grasp the tune. Help!

Serene and I were sitting at the Vivo pool area while we saw diapered kids flouncing around in the waddling pool. It's rather funny, really. There's this kid who's wearing this short red dress and a pink diaper. Though I have no idea what the diaper was filled with- urine or pool water- it was positively bloated and the butt area was sticking out like nobody's business. The poor kid flounced around somemore and giggled while its unstable diaper tilted a little to the left and then a little to the right. Omg, it's totally spastic. Serene and I were bowled over with laughter as I commented that the kid looked like an ant with an overly round abdomen. Serene returned this joke with the comment that he/she was a red ant.

Time for bed! Ciao.

Michelle & Zhixin

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Here's an incredibly soothing and lovely song from The Cheetah Girls 2, A La Nanita Nana, a spanish lullaby:


Michelle & Zhixin

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Post-exam Activities
I'm bored (rather obviously)

By Zhixin

As a result of my lack of entertainment during these few days, I'm thinking of coming up with a twisted story. =) <- smiling evilly. You know, two-timing, homosexuality, the works. So, I came up with a few pictures using The Sims 2 (my favourite game!) and photoshoped them. Some of them looks quite cool. (No, there's no gay pictures... yet.)

The pink-haired babe is called Nikki (sounds jap) and the Jap-looking guy is called Jim. (I like the name Jim because of Debbie Travis' Facelift. That cutie old man with fluffy white-hair and who lives in a castle and wears a kilt.)


Anyway, I haven't thought of the story-line yet so don't ask me what happened between Nikki and Jim (the black haired guy, not the white haired one). However, I can guarantee you, the devil here never allows any couple to get together without any bit of extreme turmoil. =)

This picture looks extremely obiang but never mind. They're James and Honey. I've somewhat thought of their plot but I'm not saying yet. (If i'm actually writing it, the plot should be a surprise. If I'm not even going to write it, what's the point?) Anyway, to give a clue, James and Honey didn't start out together and will not end up together. =) There!

Here's Perin, sweet and elegant. Actually, she's my favourite. But poor her, I'm not giving her a good time either.

Anyway, anyone interested to contribute any stomach-churning, blood-boiling, exciting and extremely twisted plots, feel welcome to email it to

Also, if you love my dear Perin's elegance and Nikki's pink hair so much, you can ask for more photographs and even short footages. If you think that's not enough, you can always download the real thing at http://www.peggysims2.net/index.htm. (provided that you play the Sims 2. If you don't, ogling at the nice hairstyles can be a great past time too.)

My Christmas Wish-list
1. To co-star in Hilary Duff's next movie

2. To pocket plenty of A1s for O's. (too late)

3. To have Hilary and Aaron get back together and this time with Lilo out of the picture

4. Anna Sui's Dolly Girl Perfume

5. Nina Ricci Nina Eau de Toilette Spray

6. Vera Wang Princess Perfume
Love the bottle though the smell is like... um... vanilla. And that ain't good.

7. To meet a sentimental, romantic and shuai pilot.

8. For someone to feed all the beggars on the streets. Believe me, it ain't fun to keep shelling out small money when you don't have enough of small money that is big enough to buy something.

9. For World Peace
(So I don't have to be afraid of being bombed when I went to Jakarta.)

10. *secret wish*

About wish no.7, the one about the pilot, I would like to elaborate. I've gotten super smitten by pilots recently. Anybody watched 10 o'clock Channel U Hong Kong drama serial, Triumph in the Skies? I absolutely adore most of the pilots inside! First there's Yichen, then Yunzhi, Ahfeng and the Donald. (I forgot the chinese name. Donald's the rich man's son who's wooing the Ahxin, which is me, muahahhas.) I went gaga over that guy first during the nursing show when he was a male nurse. Never mind, pilot is still way cooler.

At the airport when I'm getting ready to leave for Jakarta, I saw this pilot who looks like Mr Alan Ang. Get real! A pilot that looks like Mr Ang? Cool! I shall interview for air stewardess ASAP. Shall go check out the minimum requirements.

Never mind, I'm too lazy, I'll check it out when I hit 18.

That's all, ciao!

P/s The more i look at that obiang picture, the more I hate it.

Michelle & Zhixin

Prawns, Pollution and Indonesia
Hallelujah, I made it back alive
By Zhixin
Before I left for Jakarta, I was convinced that some sort of freak accident will happen as the biography of my life has shown that Lady Luck never fails to stray away from my side. Thank god (and also Singapore and Indonesia's tight security) I'm here to blog- or spout rubbish, either is fine- again.
First of all, there's the irresistable delectables that accompanied me through my 5-day trip. (I've taken a lot of pictures, drool away!)
Tada!~ I present to you... CHINESE DUMPLINGS!
You might think that there's nothing fantastic about minced pork in flour. You are so wrong! Getting the skin of the dumpling to be of the right taste and thickness takes skill and time. Honestly, it's one of the best dumplings I have ever eaten in my life. And trust me, I've eaten alot.
You can get these mouth-watering dumplings at 'Da Niang' (Big Mom or Big Auntie or both) Dumpling Shop.
The above pictures are all from the Da Niang Dumpling Shop. (That's not the exact name but I was too busy being fascinated with the dumplings to pay attention to the name of the shop.)
The next day, we went to SAMUDRA for dimsum which was absolutely appetizing.
Note: I don't take dimsum normally, don't really
like them.
The Zhu Chang Fen has prawns inside!!! My god! I absolutely adore prawns! I have to go for dimsum soon! I love the charsiew bao too cause the bun is absolutely delicious, totally opposite from the usual charsiew baos that I detest so much.
No I have no idea what's this but its supposedly quite ex. (And it looks quite nice)
Next I went to this foodcourt and found this relatively out of the ordinary otah! Yes, it's white!
Brace yourself. This might come as a shock.
Indonesian pet shops sell MONKEYS! Yes, monkeys! The kind you see in the ZOO!
Ain't he adorable?
It's so cruel to cage monkeys! They need to swing trees! It's inhumane!
Did you notice the air of sadness of this sweetie's hunched up position?
Did you notice its despondence?
I did.
I present to you, the canine version of Zaizai :
Ok, sounds lame, but this pooch has chocolate pools for eyes. Captivating.
Some random pictures:
Notice! It's pasta matrix, not pastamania!

Michelle & Zhixin

Friday, November 24, 2006

Presenting...................The prom pictures! Yeah...i did take damn long to upload them but anyway...

Yeah, finally...Prom's over and all that rushing around to get our clothes, shoes, etc was made worth it. (Uhhhh...reeeaaally??)

It was fun although the hotel looked damn deserted and run-down from the outside and the ballroom looked fairly miniature and the food left much to be desired.

However...The photo-taking session after the dinner made the less-than-desirable parts of the prom seem insignificant as the photos we took can be kept as wonderful memories forever.(at least till your pc breaks down...nahhs...you can still come to the blog to copy the pictures into your pc again)

ANYWAY....here are the photos...

*GASPS*!finally our dear Mr tang has good taste and dons a brown coat and striped shirt. Smart casual is the way to go Mr tang, and we applaud your choice of apparel this time. Let's just pray you will continue wearing such shirts and chuck all your paint-splattered, tangent curve and bus conductor shirts to the back of your cupboard. (No offence, really...=D)

Ms tee and her cute hairstyle(she insists its classic and the way we term it as "cute" is very wrong)

gosh...how freaking tall are these guys?We are wearing 2.5 inch heels for goodness sake and yet they are still 1 head taller.

To be continued.........(simply because something's wrong with blogger and i cannot post ANY pictures at all)

Michelle & Zhixin